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About Us

Consisting of the Roesch Library, the internationally recognized Marian Library, and University Archives and Special Collections, the University Libraries serves as a central hub of campus intellectual and cultural life.

Grounded in characteristics of Marianist education and leadership, the University Libraries faculty and staff promote innovative and sustainable collections, discovery and service with the intent to empower learning, scholarship and creative expression.

Our Commitment

Grounded in the University’s Catholic and Marianist mission and its commitment to diversity, equity and inclusive excellence, the University Libraries strives to make all members of our communities feel a sense of belonging and ownership. 

The University Libraries’ vision is to be the intellectual fulcrum of the University; we know that in order to fully realize that vision, we must work actively across our collections, programs, services and spaces in ways that empower all learners to succeed. 

Guiding our work is our commitment to inclusive excellence and the values we hold as an institution. We invite you to explore the ways we enhance learning, research and creativity through the many resources we provide to our community. 

— Matt Shaw, dean

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Lead Award Recipient

University of Dayton Libraries received a national award for its commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) from Insight Into Diversity magazine. The award highlights the Libraries' strategic DEI plan, which involves its workforce, collections, programming, exhibits, and physical and virtual spaces.

Our Values in Action

In One Year...

  • 431,134


  • 9,746

    videos streamed

  • 371

    classes taught

  • 322

    special collections material requests

  • 39,531

    library room reservations

  • 852,424

    downloads from eCommons

  • 474,013

    views of online news articles

  • 467,795

    downloads of scholarly journal articles

  • 63,951

    e-books read